
                  How to analyse an IPO


In this article, we discussed How you can analyse an IPO the best top 10

 parameters to analyse the IPO best for investment IPO, which we have

 discussed in our blog twice before, whenever a company needs funds, it comes to

 the  market and takes its share. The share price of IPO sometimes gives a lot of

 profit, in this session we will know how you can analyse the IPO of any

 company easily. In this article, we will also tell you the top 10 such IPOs that you

 must buy, if you want to know more details about 

IPO, then the link is given below.

what is ipo & fpo, zomato ipo explained: should you invest in 2021



  • DRHP & RHP
  • how can you do it
  • GMP
  • FAQ

So without wasting more time let's get started so this is what we analyze

 while analyzing the ipo of any company number one we first of all go and get the

 most reliable document of the company which is either a drhp or a rhp first

 drhp is filed by any company followed by which rhp is filed by the way

 drhp is a draft red herring prospectus and rhp is a red

 herring prospectus 

 i'm also going to tell you where can we find this drhp or rhp


all is to be checked in that number one i try and understand the business model

 of the company followed by we try to do an economy analysis then industry

 analysis and then the company analysis that's what we call is as a top

 to bottom approach for analyzing any company first economy then industry and

then company analysis followed by which after analyse after analyzing the

 entire fundamentals of the company


 then we go ahead with checking the valuations of the company for valuations

 we try to check out various valuations which are given in the

 prospectus where to find them how to analyze them


after that the last two things that which we check are number one is there any

litigation against the company so is there any court case which is going against

 the company is it really serious or not is what we try and analyze and towards the

 end what you check is the ipo details about the company


now let's check out how to find the drhp or the rhp i'm going to discuss

 three different possibilities possibility number one you can go directly to sebi

website and download these documents absolutely free of cost possibility number

 two you can go to nse website and download this again free of cost or possibility

 number three it's the chittorgadh website and the only difference between

 first two websites and website is that first two websites are like somewhere related

 to the government one is sebi which is the regulator second one is nse against

 stock exchange chittorgarh is not anywhere related to the government

 not an authorized one as such okay but still a very famous website for ipo these are

 the three possible avenues through which you can get this document

how to download instructions-:

so how do you do that first you go to SEBI website you can just google it out and

 that's how you land on the home page then you go to filings in filings drop down

 and then you can see public issue in public issue you can go to draft offer for

drhp and for rhp there is red herring for rhp then what you do is you just select the

 company and then you can download the file that's how it works for sebi website

 now let me take you to nse website again even if you don't know the exact

 web addresses as usual just type out on google so you can go to nse india on

 google once you do that you have to go to products in products you will go

 to initial public offering once you click that you can go to current market report

 in that you go to book building then what you can do is select the company if you

 want you can

scroll down and that's where you can find the rhp and then followed by

 downloading the file well here goes the downloading button

for example i collected the data from abc name company

What did I do when I was about to invest in this company's IPO?



 so now whenever i were to do analysis or review of any ipo the first thing the first

 question i ask is 

what does the company do?

and if i want to know the exact business model of the company where do i find these

 details right in the prospectus  example the example of abc company when i

 was analyzing the company while i was doing ipo review of that company what was

 the first thing that came to my my mind what does the company do what are the

 products so when i went through the section of our business i came to know that

 company is more into specialty chemical in specialty chemical also they were more

 into agro-related specialty chemical and they were saying that we make certain

 products which are used as intermediates and other companies will use that as a

 raw material to make fungicides pesticides whatever 



 also second thing once i understand the product then what should i do i should see

 if there are any specific strengths with the company do they have any long-term

 contracts with big multinational companies or what that can be just one of the

 strengths as an example



third thing i check what is the source of the raw material for their products

 okay so just an 

example -: 

if raw material is coming from china and if there are certain trade disruptions can

 that become a problem for the company yes so see from whom raw materials

 are coming next i would want to check raw material again once raw materialism

 then i check what is the manufacturing capacity of the company where are the

 manufacturing capacities located how much percentage utilization they have done

 so right now assuming they're only at 70 capacity utilization more and more they

 go towards 100 that's where they'll actually witness economies of scale more and

 more large scale production lesser and lesser will be the cost per unit



next one is what exports or sales so if i do see that there are a lot of

 exports that's  also a positive sign if i see there are a lot of exports then i trust i try

 to see how much is the revenue break up of exports is to domestic sales right but all

 these things whatever i told about our business right now these are the current

 scenarios so what is the last thing i try to check last thing is always what are their 

future plans

 if management has a very clean and clear thought process that okay this is what are

 our future plans these are the strategies that we are going to implement and if you

 feel these are very strong enough i think that's where comp is i mean that's where

 your cycle of your basic business analysis ends

how can you do it

so let's start and understand 

how to do economy analysis?

 first of all we try and understand about the global economy then we try and

 analyze our Indian economy position check out this website

" " that's there in front of you right now international monetary

 fund website and what specifically if you want you can just go down and here you

 can see a full report it's a pdf report free of cost you can read it what else do we

 check we also check the

" world bank.orgwebsite here also you get an access to a loads of information you

 are going to get on this website itself so what we can do is that just scroll down and

 here you can see something known as an essential reading inside essential reading

 this is one very good read which is global economic prospects 2021

check connection


once we are done with just getting some information about global economy level

then we can go to indian economy level which is the website here you can check

 is the des department of economic affairs of the of our country here you

 can just scroll down and you can see a monthly economic report every month data

 will be published on how our economy as a whole is performing it has a lot of past

data as well  you can just go through these reports

 one more website which i check out not a government website  it's  a normal

 website it's " " select country india 

check connection

and economic indicators in overview what specific points do i check i check the

gdp growth rate i check what is the gdp annual growth rate as well

okay in that we can also check unemployment rate other than these you

can also find a lot of other ratios like currently what is the crr what is the balance

 of trade how much is the current account to gdp percentage okay all these are

various data points uh you whatever you can try and build your own conclusions

based on these it's a journey of understanding it just can't happen in

one single day slowly steadily you will get to know about all these things still after

 going through so many data points if you are still hungry for knowledge then what

 can you do

simple follow the steps 

 1) go to the prospectus

 2) inside prospectus again you can see there is a separate section for economy 

    analysis right this for example a famous picture i might not have seen my own

   dp so many number of times but i have seen this v-shaped recovery picture

  much more times than my own dp right so this v-shaped recovery tells us about

  the pre-coronavirus fall and post-corona virus recovery in our economy right that's

 where you can get to know again about a lot of things and also certain special

 points like what when i was doing the ipo review of abc company what we checked

 was how india is performing in comparison with china  india was growing at a

much faster rate as compared to china number one and number two even the labor

 cost in india was much lower than china so these are few basic pointers that you

 can check for economic analysis


the very first thing that we can check is the website which is dot it's

 a good website in that the basic thing that you have to check is industry tab you get

 an exposure to all these industries

so whatever industry you want to choose let us say i want to check the example

 pharma company so i just can click on pharmaceuticals

check connection

once i click on pharmaceuticals i get to read anything and everything about the

entire pharma space that's how you can check one by one about various industries

 once you're done with checking with these this website then you can additionally go

 to the prospectus and inside the prospectus again you can see a lot of information

 about the company whenever you are doing an industry analysis very important

 is check the cagr which is the compounded annual growth rate and see whether

 what is the current growth rate and what is the expected growth rate is expected

 growth rate higher than the current growth rate


 i'm going to cover top five points that you have to check don't even look into

 the notes first try and visualize if i were to do financial analysis of a specific

 company number one i would check that p and l in p what am i going to check their

 top line growth that is revenue growth okay second thing i'll check what is

 the scenario at ebitda level earning before interest tax depreciation and

 amortization ebitda 11 what is the what are the figures for ebitda as well as ebitda

 margins also i will check right third thing what will i check is the bottom line and

 bottom line

check connection

 growth so basically profit after tax how much is that how much are they in

 absolute figures and also the percentage or the margins right so i'll give you a

 simple example how this typically is disclosed or shown in the prospectus here you

 can see three years data will be given for sure so you can see financial year 18 ,19

 and 20. what we add in our videos generally is that last column of cagr okay at

 what growth rate have their revenues grown at 

what growth rate have their profitability and ebitda ebitda grown right now what we

 do one step ahead is that we try to see whether their growth rate is higher than

 the industry growth rate so on an average is revenue growth for the industries let us

 say 14 this company is growing by 24 higher than industry good point okay so that's

 how we check the basic few pointers for p and n 

then we go out with the balance sheet analysis in balance sheet analysis again there

 are a lot more points but just to give you one example very basic thing that you

check connection

 have to check is the debt to equity ratio i'm sure everyone by now knows that

 up to two is to one is okay what is the scenario for anupam let's quickly check

 that for 18 ,19, 20 it's way below two is to 1 highest we can see here is in fiscal year

 20 which is 1.38 but still it's way below 2.2 is to one so i'm fairly good with that

 okay one more thing that we check is cash flow from operations that's very

 important what is that in simple words how much cash is the business able to

 generate from its core operations okay if that is positive that's considered to be

 good if that is growing at a good rate what better can we ask for right corona period

 they have done very well in their cash flow from operations so can i say that's a very

 big positive answer is obviously yes


well next point that we check is what is the valuation of the company right

 so how can we value a company generally one of the good parameters is p e ratio

 price to earning ratio but you know in some cases for example the recent one

 zomato ipo we could not check p e ratio why our company was in losses in

 that case what do we do we can use the p to s ratio which is which is the price to

 sales ratio right all these ratios like p e, p b then ev ebitda 

few basic parameters that we have to check for the valuation so please understand if

 the company has valued its share very at a very high price don't you think

 that the listing gain chances are a little bit less right so whenever i do any ipo

 review i say  valuation is comparatively less so there is some error left for listin

 gains there is some juice left for listing gains but evaluation is on a very high

 end there are less chances of listing gates that's why valuation is important is there

 any other

 parameter through which i can gauge how much is the listing gain how much is

 the  possibility of listing gain for that we have something

 known as

gmp which is a great market premium this is i'm just showing you one website on

 this website you can get to know about how much is the expected gray

 market premium it's the website name is ipo

" watch.inthrough which you can check i'm just scrolling down this is where you

 can get to see what is the gray market premium so i hope with all these parameters

 you have understood some basics about valuation


well before we proceed i would like to give one or two additional points about gmp

 as to how it really works okay so just as an example if the ipo price is say 500

 rupees and let's say the gray market premium as per that ipo watch website is 150

okay so it is expected that the ipo should list on the stock market at 500 plus 150

 that is at 650 rupees so i'll quickly tell you what were the facts and figures for

 unborn sign ipo so the issue price was 555 and when the issue closed 

  for subscription on 16th march the gmp on that day was 150 so ideally it should

 have gotten listed at 705 house 705 150 150 plus 555 so it should have gotten listed

 at 705 but it got listed at 520 only so please understand is gmp the full and final

 thing that this is going to happen no it's just a guidance it talking about all these

 things what is the current scenario post four months of listing

today the ltp latest ldp is 815 which is currently at 46.86 percent profit in my



so now let's check how to analyze risk factors and litigations okay again you can find

 it in the rhp okay but i'll give you one more example for you each what can be a risk

 factor let's say top 10 customers account for almost 90 percent of the revenue of the

company now you can imagine even if one or two clients leave the company then

 there's a great chance that their revenue might see a sharp drop so this is just an

 example of a risk factor what can be an example of a litigation let's say there is a

 case going on against one of the promoters of the company and let's say the

 investing authority is cbi or sfio just for your information sf is serious fraud

 investigation office so if such organization are having certain interrogations or

 investigations against the promoters of the company we need to be a bit careful on



so let's start as to how we can apply for any ipo using zerodha so what you have to

 do is first just click on your account and whereby you can click on console once you

  click on console there's one tab which is known as portfolio in portfolio you have to

 click ipos once you click ipos you can see which are the ongoing ipos you can also

 check the bid history right so here you can see zomato clean energy gear infra but

 out of that these two three are closed zomato is right now open so what you can

do is just hit on apply once you hit on apply


 you have to mention what is your upi id

 so let me just write type out my upi id i hope you are not able to see this because my

animation team is going to mask that right okay so then the in individual the

investor type you can go ahead with an individual investor okay which is the

 minimum quantity that you will have to apply for that here you can see it's very

 clearly mentioned 195 that is nothing but one lot for this ipo so you can just type

 out 195. then it asks at what price whether you want to go ahead with 72 or 76 so

 generally what is to be done is you just click on cut off price it will automatically

 take us 76. so this is the amount payable right once this is done you just have to

 just click on i hereby data as usual like whenever we have to take we don't read the

 terms and conditions right that is a rule never read the terms and conditions

 just click and then say submit and then what you have to do is go to your upi or

 vmap where in a request might have come up you just have to approve that

and it will be done


so the final conclusion from my side is just check everything about company before

 buying ipo's if you dont understand anything just comment down we will try to

 reply everyone 


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