
         6 Stock Market Strategies for                                        Beginners -2021



5 stock market active strategies for beginners or intermediate person those

 who starts trading in 2021 and For those who have been in trading for 1 or 2 years.

In today's life, it is useless to depend only on jobs, you have to make many sources of

 income, only then you can make a living.

Trading is not a game, remember if you know all its rules then invest in it otherwise

 your money can also be lost if you are completely new in trading then you can learn

 trading from our website - FINPRO

# strategy 1

Invest in a business

 and not in the stock of any specific company so what do i mean by that invest in a

 business take example 

" if i  run a business i am an  entrepreneur so i if my company would have been a

 listed company i don't think i would be interested to nokia a daily movement for me

 might not have mattered a lot but as the owner of the company i would have

surely thought that over the period of next five years next 10 years over the period

 maybe next 20 years will i be able to generate wealth for the shareholders or not so

 as a promoter

i never looked at an intraday movement but as a promoter i always look at

 a long term perspective  "

so if you would have invested in my company if you would have been the

shareholder of my company " what mr buffet says is that look at it as a long-

term investment look at it as if it's your own company don't look at

it from intraday gains  the longer you stay invested in it "

so basically you should  study an industry study a business try and understand

what the company's business model is see if you're 100 convinced with that 

business model if you are convinced you will be in a position to stay invested

in that company for a longer period of time so just as an 


" i've talked about two stocks so many number of times  number one is domino's

two is jubilant food works i've been talking about that stock since the stock was at

 1600 levels

today the stock even hit  in the last few days it also hit a high of 4000 levels now you

 can imagine if i had invested in the company immediately sold at 10 profit invested

again immediately sold at 20 profit doesn't make sense if i'm investing in that

 company "

things you can do 

  •  you can split your portfolio into short term 
  •  midterm stocks 
  •  long  term stocks 

short term stocks may buying selling buying selling is but if you are talking

 about a long term strategy ideally you should not be even looking at

 it from like at least for a period of three months now why period of three months i

always love to check the quarterly reports i do track the quarterly reports i'll

surely track if some news is coming about that company so that is very important 

try to check the fundamentals of the company whenever i said try to check

 the fundamentals its very important 

  • how do i do an economy analysis
  •  how do i do a industry analysis
  •  how do i do a company analysis

  • what numbers do i have to really check

all these things i've already explained in one of my article which is titled as

 " how to analyze an ipo "  companies 

# strategy 2

don't have too many stocks in your portfolio 

i mean diversification is important that does reduce your risk but over diversification

 is not going to solve the purpose i mean over diversification is done by those

 people who truly don't understand what which company i should invest in how do i

 invest where do i invest they don't understand so they believe today's investigating

they'll diversify so much that nothing truly will be able to be achieved okay so it's

 very important that you have specific number of stocks in your portfolio don't go

 overboard so what i learned from mr. warren buffet don't have too many stocks in

 my portfolio did i take any learning from that yes

# strategy 3

Invest in what you understand

third and important investment lesson that i learned from buffet sir this is invest

 in what you understand i have told that invest in those businesses which you

 understand very simple example

       if i'm talking about a company like dmart go to a demand store near you try to

 see how many people are actually there in that  in that shop in that shopping mall 

i mean are people really buying in a lot or not in fact  so if that much craze is there

why would as an investor not want to invest in demand because that would be a

 basic understanding about the company



simple as footfall for any such business it is footfall number one number two are is

 there is the location at a good place where people would be willing to go and buy

products from their shop right see this is like common sense investing don't invest

 just because you see that there is a lot of crowd in the dmart store that is a starting

 point so just as an example for me would i want to invest in a

business like nazara technologies or dmart if i'm given a choice i feel for me

 demart  is easier for me to understand rather than nazara

technologies because for nazara i think i'll have to do a lot i don't understand

it right now gaming related so i will have to do a lot of studies if i feel i start getting

 some good amount of grip on such a company then i may think of investing it

again is always dangerous so he's putting out good points today so absolutely very

 important so invest only in whatever you understand don't invest just because

 someone else is investing right so ......


# strategy 4


number four mr warren buffet says read read and extensively read so that you

can get new idea i think that is also very important point read because that is where

 you are going to get very nice ideas so  from where can you read now these day at that time 

is it necessary that you have to read only books so depends you can read

rohit have you just drunk compliant today or maybe it's just that i'm noticing your

 messages for the first time he is bang on target today so the biggest question

what can you read ?

we can read annual reports management discussion and analysis so you can

 read from both the source you know targeting one blog per week reading one blog

 per week is like it's like nothing i mean everyone each and everyone will be should

 be in a position to find some time for his or her own knowledge

# strategy 5

Start the work at the age the investment is better

five main lessons very first one was that investing whenever you invest in shares

 invest as if it is your business look at it from a long term perspective and if you're

 investing in a company as if it's your own business you should know how to

analyze a specific company and how can you analyze the specific company for that

 i have a blog link is given upside second i said don't have too many stocks in your

 portfolio don't over diversify for that third one is invest in what you understand

this same point i have already talked about in my blog which is basics of stock

 market number four read read and extensively read for getting new ideas for

 having better understanding for enhancing your knowledge and for that as i

 mentioned you can read through various websites it could be finpro, et money or

 whatever a lot of websites you can read through  you also have good  portals like

varsity zeroda and the fifth point that i learned is earlier you start better so the

 whole purpose of you to tell  this strategy is same for crypto as well ideally yes

 because invest only if you understand in it otherwise don't invest if you dont

 understand if you feel i find some true value in it then you may start investing in

 bits and pieces so i think the same investment strategy works for any asset classes 

# strategy 6

sixth is Use Dollar-Cost Averaging

Active investors tend to buy low and sell high, but this is easy to do. Experts say a

 better strategy is to make new investments at regular intervals, a process known

 as dollar-cost averaging.

Successful investing is about timing the market short of giving a broad portfolio of

 investments the time needed to grow. Contrary to the frenzied image you may

 have of stock market trading, slow and steady usually wins the investment race.


Keep following the above guide and I am here again Trading is not a game, remember if you know all its rules then invest in it otherwise

 your money can also be lost if you are completely new in trading then you can learn

 trading from our website


  • What is stock market
ANS-  It is a place where shares of pubic listed companies are traded.

  • Should I buy stocks when the market is closed?

Pre- and after-hours markets will generally have less liquidity, more volatility, and lower volume than the regular market. 1 This can have a huge effect on the price a seller ends up receiving for their shares, so it is wise to use a limit order on any shares bought or sold outside normal trading hours.

  • What's the best time of day to buy stocks?
ANS- The whole 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. ET period is often one of the best hours of the day for day trading

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