
 written by thejollivers {guest posting}

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 5 Amazing ways to make money online free fast and easy (without investment)

5 Amazing ways to make money online free yes it's very simple fast and easy in 2021 there

 are lots of ways we discuss that helps you to earn money free without investment on a daily

 basis so, hello guys welcome to the new blog post of thejollivers let's get started step by


# 5 proven ways to make money online free 

#1- way

 As you see in the image given below, today we will talk about this topic, in fact, this

 the method is a very easy way to make money online free and fast in 2021

You can see in videos millions of views are there, in fact, such videos are mostly done during

 meditation, for soothing, you can easily earn earning from it in 2021, nothing happens, just you have to

 Search for a full HD image that is not copyrighted. 

And with that, if you have a website that provides soothing music of copyright-free nature music, then

 you can download music from it, if not, then read the article till the end, the solution will be told.
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If we check the estimated earnings of this channel as you can check in the image below, it is quite high which is enough for the month.
You notice one more thing, YouTube has also given a tick to this channel, which gives proof that this content is genuine.
this is the best and genuine way to make money online free and fast 
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So without cutting a lot of time, I will tell you to step by step what and how to do

so, we have two website 
So we have 2 such websites, with the help of which you can download full HD images for free and these will be copyright-free images.


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First, you register by visiting the website, then here
  But you can select whatever you like, apart from this if you want to download direct video, I would suggest you
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You will get the video option only on Pixels, after login, you go to the simple video option,

 which is showing to you in the above image, after that, you can download the favorite

 video nature-related for free, apart from this, you can edit your video yourself. If you want,

 you can download the image and edit it. I would advise you to edit the video and put it on

 YouTube, it will not affect your content.

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To download nature-related images, you have to go to the natural option, select any good image from there and do it.

 You can use OpenShot software to edit the image, in this you will get to see many pro editing options, if you do not know to edit, then you can use an easy online video editing tool.

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So basically this is such a website, with the help of which you can easily edit your videos, click on the option with choose file.
Then you will be asked to select the file, you can also edit your video edit in it and the
 image also select the file which is downloaded from Unsplash

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After adding the image to the project, you will see a dashboard like this as you can see in the above

 image, in this all you have to do is zoom and crop, it will automatically convert the image into a video

 version and that's your job.
With a little extra editing, you can make your video more attractive, use good thumbnails and the

 remaining part is you have to use background music, for that you can use YouTube.


For that you just have to go to your YouTube, from there you have to go to the section containing your

 audio library, which you will get to see inside the menu bar, inside that you have to filter the option as

 you can see this in the image given below.

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After this, you have to go to your search filter, from there

 you have to click on the mood option and click on the 

suboption calm and here you go there are thousands plus 

Background music loaded inside YouTube using this  you can 

make money online free and easily. And the plus point to using this music is you will not get any copyright claim from the YouTube site...

It's free of cost!!!!

#2 -way

2nd way to make money online is free and easily is related to your first method if you wanna earn through 2nd method you need to follow the first one

Another service you can add to your YouTube, if you have a blog website or you have an online business, then you can promote it.

You can promote your startup plan and increase the traffic of your website. online way to make money easily is that if you don't have any website or startup idea you can also earn through influencing Instagram or making an amazon affiliate link when you have a large number of subscribers are there then you can create a backlink for affiliate marketing and  
also, you can increase your Instagram follower through this and share your affiliate links and Instagram account in your youtube channel if you really wanna make money
 online easily these are very affecting methods but you have to do one thing you need to keep patience on it


# 3- way

So, the 3rd way to make money online in 2021 free and easy is 

The site which gonna pay us is called ' ' this is the site that I'm pretty sure

 that none of you guys heard about before but you can believe me this site can pay you lots

 of money. So, the basic thing this site does is it helps those people who either have their

 website or google ads to gain more amount of traffic by paying a small amount of money.

 The way it accomplished that is seen in the image given below 

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1. The spy exposes the search marketing secret formula of your most successful competitors.

2. Search for any domain and see every place they've shown up on Google, every organic

 rank, every keyword they've bought on Google, and every ads variation in the last 14 days.

So, as you've seen this tool essentially spies on more successful competitors and allows

 people to replicate the success of the competitors. At this moment this seems a little bit

 complicated but believe me it is not and keep that in mind that we will not be paying to this _____

For the next step click on the read more button

#4- way

5 amazing ways to make money online free and fast

Hey, do you know you can earn plenty of money today by just clicking on the running ads without doing any investment and overall you just need to spend 10 to 15 minutes of your daily life so if you are interested in this then stay tuned on our topic ' 5 amazing way to make money online free and fast?

Today we have 5 amazing ways to make money online free and fast

•First platform

So, in the first platform, the site which we'll use today is ' '. This site is world widely available no matter where you live in you can also earn money just by clicking on the advertisements.

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Now the way this site works is as follows if you are someone who wants advertisement or promotion for your business you just go to the platform and pay for them to advertise you and they will then take a portion of that money and give it to the people who are clicking on the advertisements which in this case, of course,e, be us we are here to make money(5 amazing way to make money online free and fast) by clicking on ads we're not here to get advertised. 

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Now, if you click on the earn section then here you will see that not only has this website

 paid out over one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)  but that they had also been around

 since 2012 and I've said this time and time again but when a site is been area year

 onnnearon end then it is one hundred percent guaranteed that it is a legit platform scam

 websites vanished relatively quickly but legit platforms do not and this is how we can see

 heed you is a legit platform they will pay us instead of trying to scam us I even did some

 just to make sure and as expected I found out that heed you is a great website that people

 like a lot and it's our part of 
5 amazing ways to make money online free and fast.

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If you are ever wondering that how they will pay you can see that just scroll down to the

 bottom of the page where you can see they offer PayPal, payer, and skrill so they do offer

 too many payment options than similar websites which is a nice addition to make sure you

 actually, get paid, and just to the right of that you can also see that you just need to make one

 dollar before being able to withdraw your money which is another awesome feature instead

 of may similar websites ask for like 10 dollars or even as much as one hundred dollars and

 more which is not the case here anyhow for you to start making money (5 amazing ways to

 make money online free and fast) in this, you need an account to create one just click on the

 join button then you will get on to another page given on the image below.

5 Amazing ways to make money online free fast and easy (without investment) in 2021 this is a guest posting by the owner of thejollivers if you wanna learn this type of trick daily you can earn 100$ they discuss thousends of way to make money online 
i highly recommend check there website

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